Sunday, May 14, 2023

Why I Drink One Gallon of Alkaline Water Every Day

I never knew the many great benefits of "Alkaline Water".  Drinking "Alkaline Water" has made such an amazing difference to me and my husband.  Drinking "Alkaline Water" gives me energy and excitement!  Just knowing that I am giving my body something that is making me healthy and vibrate, I am even more excited!  I consume at least one gallon of Alkaline Water daily!  So does my husband.

You can view my testimonial below!  I really enjoyed making this video! 

As explained by Ray Kurzweil Ph.D. Scientist, well renowned author & inventor,

“There are more benefits to alkaline water than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water ionizer is its Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). Water with a high Negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. The negative ions in alkaline water from an electrolysis machine are a rich source of electrons that can be donated to these free radicals in the body, neutralizing them and stopping them from damaging healthy tissues. This is the key benefit of the alkaline water produced by a water ionizer from the company "Air Water Life".

Another benefit of drinking ionized alkaline water is that it assists in the absorption of minerals. We know that if the body is not absorbing enough minerals, it will rob minerals from the body's mineral reserves, "chiefly calcium from the bones". By drinking high Negative ORP alkaline water, you combat metabolic acidosis and improve absorption of nutrients. Drinking ionized alkaline water helps reduce the burden on the limited alkaline buffers which are needed for the body's natural detoxification processes.”

According to Stefan Kuprowsky, the Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic director, “The most amazing property of ionized alkaline water is its antioxidant properties. This means that the alkaline water itself has the ability to neutralize free radicals. This is because alkaline ionized water contains hydroxyl ions with an overabundance of electrons which can be easily donated to neutralize free radicals. This is like taking antioxidant vitamins and minerals in the water you drink. One glass of ionized alkaline water has the same antioxidant activity as one glass of fresh juice. This is a powerful benefit of alkaline ionized water and worth the unit cost because of this one feature alone.

Alkaline ionized water is up to six times more hydrating than regular water. The smaller clusters are able to scavenge free radicals with greater ease, increasing the antioxidant properties. Ionized alkaline water also improves the detoxification qualities of water because of its improved hydration of body tissues.”

Remember, Your Body is The Only One That You Will Get.  So Please Treat It Well!  Its never too late start a healthy lifestyle change!   You are never too old to start to improve your health!  Today is a brand new day to get it right!


Debbie and Darrell



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