Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Alkaline Diet - Celebrities Who Love This Way Of Life

There are many famous and savvy followers of the alkaline and plant-based diet, including Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst and Jared Leto, to name a few – who certainly all look great.

The basics of the alkaline diet are all about working in harmony with your body’s ‘acid-alkaline’ balance and about keeping your blood maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365.

There are alkaline foods that will easily help to maintain your blood’s pH and other acidic foods that will cause a state of mini-emergency in your body as it struggles to do the best it can with below-par fuel.

If you overload your body with acidic foods, it uses its ‘buffer’ system to keep your blood within a tight range of its necessary pH, as deviating from this can be fatal.
Miranda Kerr explained, “I have alkaline water filters in my kitchen sink and on my shower heads, so it’s purified and alkaline. I learned about the benefits of alkaline in your body from studying nutrition, and there are many ways to do it–drinking alkaline water is one of them.” 

Miranda isn’t the only celebrity fan. BeyoncĂ© Knowles included alkaline water on her rider list for her Mrs. Carter world tour. 

Mark Wahlberg and Diddy both invested in AQUAhydrate, a brand of water that is both alkaline and electrolyte-enhanced. 

In summary, I submit Alkaline Water is not a medicine to cure any disease. The fact that alkaline neutralizes acid is elementary chemistry and requires no statistical analysis. Drinking alkaline water helps our body dissolve acid wastes and make it easier for the body to dispose of them safely. Since the accumulation of acid wastes is aging, the reduction of acid wastes is reverse aging.

Drink alkaline water in order to wash out acidic wastes, the universal cause of many adult diseases. It is recommended that we drink 5 glasses of oxygen rich alkaline water with a pH of 10 every day'.
Today begin to "Eat and Drink to Live" - Do Not Live to Eat and Drink

Debbie Kay

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