Sunday, May 14, 2023

Why I Drink One Gallon of Alkaline Water Every Day

I never knew the many great benefits of "Alkaline Water".  Drinking "Alkaline Water" has made such an amazing difference to me and my husband.  Drinking "Alkaline Water" gives me energy and excitement!  Just knowing that I am giving my body something that is making me healthy and vibrate, I am even more excited!  I consume at least one gallon of Alkaline Water daily!  So does my husband.

You can view my testimonial below!  I really enjoyed making this video! 

As explained by Ray Kurzweil Ph.D. Scientist, well renowned author & inventor,

“There are more benefits to alkaline water than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water ionizer is its Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). Water with a high Negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. The negative ions in alkaline water from an electrolysis machine are a rich source of electrons that can be donated to these free radicals in the body, neutralizing them and stopping them from damaging healthy tissues. This is the key benefit of the alkaline water produced by a water ionizer from the company "Air Water Life".

Another benefit of drinking ionized alkaline water is that it assists in the absorption of minerals. We know that if the body is not absorbing enough minerals, it will rob minerals from the body's mineral reserves, "chiefly calcium from the bones". By drinking high Negative ORP alkaline water, you combat metabolic acidosis and improve absorption of nutrients. Drinking ionized alkaline water helps reduce the burden on the limited alkaline buffers which are needed for the body's natural detoxification processes.”

According to Stefan Kuprowsky, the Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic director, “The most amazing property of ionized alkaline water is its antioxidant properties. This means that the alkaline water itself has the ability to neutralize free radicals. This is because alkaline ionized water contains hydroxyl ions with an overabundance of electrons which can be easily donated to neutralize free radicals. This is like taking antioxidant vitamins and minerals in the water you drink. One glass of ionized alkaline water has the same antioxidant activity as one glass of fresh juice. This is a powerful benefit of alkaline ionized water and worth the unit cost because of this one feature alone.

Alkaline ionized water is up to six times more hydrating than regular water. The smaller clusters are able to scavenge free radicals with greater ease, increasing the antioxidant properties. Ionized alkaline water also improves the detoxification qualities of water because of its improved hydration of body tissues.”

Remember, Your Body is The Only One That You Will Get.  So Please Treat It Well!  Its never too late start a healthy lifestyle change!   You are never too old to start to improve your health!  Today is a brand new day to get it right!


Debbie and Darrell



Friday, April 14, 2023

Why Drink Alkaline Water for Optimum Health?

In health circles there has been much recent talk about acid/alkaline imbalance.  Let’s see if we can clarify how experts recommend we correct this imbalance.
The problem Your body functions best when neither too acid nor too alkaline. Unfortunately almost all of us have become acidic due to diet, drinks and stress — both psychological and from pollution.  Acids can build up in our body, causing systems to be out of balance.
The effects According to Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, “Acid wastes build up in the body in the form of cholesterol, gallstones, kidney stones, arterial plaque, urates, phosphates and sulfates. These acidic waste products are the direct cause of premature aging and the onset of chronic disease.”
When this occurs, the body will restore its optimal pH by depleting certain minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, from organs and bones.  In addition, your immune system may become fatigued from dealing with an excess of acid.

Your body then stores acidic wastes in ‘hiding places’ such as muscles etc. rather than releasing the acids into the bloodstream.
As Dr. Robert Atkins, the well-known author, health and diet expert, notes: “Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity.”
“The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause…too much tissue acid waste in the body!” Theodore A. Baroody, ND, Ph.D.
What can be done?
A vast body of research reveals that you can help neutralize acid build-up in the blood and maintain a balanced pH, by taking some simple steps, such as:
– Exercise
– Avoiding highly acid-forming food and drink
– Drinking the right water

What is the “right” water?  “International studies show that populations with little or no history of illness, such as cancer, drink higher pH (alkaline) waters. After all potential risk factors were considered and factored out, it became evident that they had been drinking waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0.”    Dr. Leonard Horowitz in “Aids and Ebola”
Alkaline ionized water “first came to notice in Japan, where researchers noted that people drinking water that came from certain fast - moving rocky mountain streams enjoyed extraordinarily good health. It turned out that this naturally occurring water was alkaline and had a different structure and electrical properties.”  Larry Clapp, PhD. in “Prostate Health in 90 days”
Alkaline water is produced at home with a small kitchen appliance called a water ionizer (long in use in Japan and Korea).  As water ionizers have become popular in North America, more health professionals have had the opportunity to evaluate their effects on clients:
Sue Pollock, N.D. writes, we can “assist the body in being more alkaline with …drinking alkaline water.”
“I believe that the best water is water that is alkaline (reduced) and purified using a small device known as a water ionizer.” (Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky)
“It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years.” Dr. T. Baroody in “Alkalize or Die.”

Why not just rely on a change of diet?  According to Sang Whang, researcher and author of “Reverse Aging”, the danger is that we might omit important foods:
“Since the waste products that we are trying to discharge are acidic, the right kind of water is alkaline water…My personal recommendation is to enjoy the foods that we like, but do not over-eat or exclude any food.  Eat in moderation following the professional dietitians’ “balanced diet” concept, and let alkaline water do the job of cleansing acidic wastes.”

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Alkaline Diet - Celebrities Who Love This Way Of Life

There are many famous and savvy followers of the alkaline and plant-based diet, including Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst and Jared Leto, to name a few – who certainly all look great.

The basics of the alkaline diet are all about working in harmony with your body’s ‘acid-alkaline’ balance and about keeping your blood maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365.

There are alkaline foods that will easily help to maintain your blood’s pH and other acidic foods that will cause a state of mini-emergency in your body as it struggles to do the best it can with below-par fuel.

If you overload your body with acidic foods, it uses its ‘buffer’ system to keep your blood within a tight range of its necessary pH, as deviating from this can be fatal.
Miranda Kerr explained, “I have alkaline water filters in my kitchen sink and on my shower heads, so it’s purified and alkaline. I learned about the benefits of alkaline in your body from studying nutrition, and there are many ways to do it–drinking alkaline water is one of them.” 

Miranda isn’t the only celebrity fan. BeyoncĂ© Knowles included alkaline water on her rider list for her Mrs. Carter world tour. 

Mark Wahlberg and Diddy both invested in AQUAhydrate, a brand of water that is both alkaline and electrolyte-enhanced. 

In summary, I submit Alkaline Water is not a medicine to cure any disease. The fact that alkaline neutralizes acid is elementary chemistry and requires no statistical analysis. Drinking alkaline water helps our body dissolve acid wastes and make it easier for the body to dispose of them safely. Since the accumulation of acid wastes is aging, the reduction of acid wastes is reverse aging.

Drink alkaline water in order to wash out acidic wastes, the universal cause of many adult diseases. It is recommended that we drink 5 glasses of oxygen rich alkaline water with a pH of 10 every day'.
Today begin to "Eat and Drink to Live" - Do Not Live to Eat and Drink

Debbie Kay

Friday, March 31, 2023

The Benefits of Keeping Your Colon Clean

Most of us would think that our colon is a very strong organ; after all, think about what it works with. But over the years, as it ages, our colon will decrease its functionality and the whole digestive system can be affected. Keeping your colon clean will allow it to stay restored and maintain proper function.

Many are unaware of the truth that our colon is never designed to have hardened fecal wastes forever along its lining. Fasting is healthy because it allows our gut to have a break from working with food all the time.   Keeping your colon clean can not only revitalize your digestive system, but it can also  contribute to a better lifestyle.

Colon and body cleansing are both very important for a healthy living and they are closely similar except that a body cleansing procedure helps the whole body rather than focusing the process in a certain area like a colon cleanser does.

The main benefits of keeping your colon clean is that it aids you in losing weight, increase your body’s energy, cleansing your whole digestive system, breaks down fecal wastes accumulated in the colon, reduces bloating, decreases water retention and it maintains the smooth operation and functions of your colon and the rest of your body.

This allows the stimulation of muscle activity and regular bowel movements which is important in the digestion and absorption of nutrients and also helps in the toning of the colon for smooth elimination of fecal wastes.

When you use colon cleanse products with the right combination of natural herbs and organic materials, you are ensured of a maximum protection of your colon. For hundreds of years, people from all over the world have used different herbal ingredients to help their bodies in digestion, and elimination of toxins and parasites. Most cleansing products are composed of numerous cleansing and detoxification herbs working hard to smoothly flush out fecal wastes, toxins and intestinal parasites.

A clear colon helps in the prevention of numerous health issues like popular hemorrhoids, being overweight, bowel obstruction, associated with the bowels, fatigue, problems, sinusitis, your allergies, heartburn, joint pains, eyesight troubles, loss of memory and pressure.  Toxic buildup in the colon is nothing but garbage, garbage that is sending more "trash and germs" to the good parts of your body!

Everyone can be affected by parasites.  Intestinal parasites, colon parasites and even organ parasites; robbing you of essential nutrition, living, reproducing, dying, weakening and damaging your body, creating wastes that burden or even poison your body, repeating the cycle over and over with each new generation, in increasingly larger numbers.

Think that you might have parasites?  Symptoms of human intestinal parasites, colon parasites and organ parasites may include:

  1. Constipation: due to worms actually blocking the intestine.
  2. Diarrhea: certain parasites release a hormone like substances that can lead to a watery stool.
  3. Gas and Bloating: Some human "parasites" that live in the small intestine causing inflammation that produces gas and bloating.
  4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Human parasites can irritate, inflame and coat the lining of the intestines causing symptoms of this disease.
  5. Joint and Muscle Aches and Pains: "Parasites" can migrate and become enclosed in a sac in joint fluids, worms can do this in muscles as well.
  6. Anemia: Some intestinal worms attach themselves to the lining of the intestines;  feeding on the vital nutrients of the host.
  7. Allergies:  "Parasites" can penetrate the intestinal lining allowing large undigested food particles into the body which can create the immune system response that is often assumed to be an allergy.
  8. Skin Conditions: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema and a whole host of other skin conditions.
  9. Nervousness: Human "parasites" create wastes and toxic substances that can be severe irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness or anxiety are often the symptoms associated with these parasitic wastes.
  10. Sleep Disturbances: Multiple awakenings at night between the hours of 2 and 3 AM are possibly caused by the liver attempts to flush toxic wastes, produced by parasitic infestations, out of the body.
  11. Tooth Grinding and Clenching: This has been observed in patients with known cases of human parasitic infestations.
  12. Chronic  Tiredness: Fatigue, flu like complaints, apathy, impaired concentration, depression, and memory problems. The human parasites are simply stealing your food and nutrients and overwhelming your body with their wastes.
  13. Immune System Dysfunctions: Human "parasites" depress the immune system by the continued stimulation of the immune system which over time exhausts your defense system.
  14. Excess Weight, Acne and Others: These can be telltale signs of parasitic invasion including, excessive hunger, asthma, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, epilepsy, migraines and even heart disease and other degenerative disease.  

Watch this eye opening video below!  It is a little graphic, so watch with caution!  
Could this really happen to you? 

Everything listed above, I am quite sure that this individual experienced them all.  Can you imagine the discomfort that he or she had!

If this is not going on yet, then you don't want this to happen to you. An amazing product called the VitaliTea made with Alkaline Water and/or Spring Water, is the perfect remedy to protect your body from this gross and life changing occurrence.

You need to give yourself a good fighting chance at a full disease-free and healthy life.  If you are already feeling some of these discomforts, you need to make a change "NOW"!

QUICKLY!  Click the VitaliTea bag to the right of this article. Once you are on my website, Go To the "Products" tab. You can begin today to improve your health and maintain a disease-free lifestyle.  There you can view the amazing products offered by the  Heart and Body Naturals company!

Hears to Your Good Health!

Debbie and Darrell Kemp